This tutorial is part of a series on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using the extended Kalman filter. See the following for other tutorials in the series:
- Introduction
- Step 0: Introducing the Dataset
- Step 1: Localization With Known Correlation
- Step 3: SLAM With Known Correlation
- Step 4: SLAM With Unknown Correlation
This tutorial will build incrementally on the previous tutorial: Localization With Known Correlation. We’re still just doing localization, which means the robot starts with a map of landmarks that does not change over the course of its run. The difference is this time when the robot gets a range and bearing measurement, it will not know to which landmark that measurement corresponds.
In this tutorial I will explain the process for estimating the correspondence between measurements and landmarks and present the correspondence algorithm on its own. Then I will show how the correspondence estimation algorithm can be integrated with the EKF localization algorithm introduced in the prior tutorial. As before, we’ll be using the UTIAS dataset for demonstration purposes.
Measurement Correspondence Intro
When our robot gets a measurement to a nearby landmark it can use that information to refine its estimate of its pose. In the last tutorial, each measurement received by our robot was in the form of where
is the measurement to landmark
at time
. This vector contains the range
, bearing
, and, crucially, identity of the landmark being measured
. This could be interpreted as “landmark
meters away, at a bearing of
In our current problem, the measurement vector will be . So we are no longer directly telling the robot to which landmark each measurement corresponds. Without knowledge of this correspondence measurements are basically useless to our robot. Sure, it knows the location of a landmark relative to its own location. But without knowing where that landmark is in the world it can’t use that information to refine its estimate of its pose.
So our robot needs a way to estimate the correspondence between its measurements and the landmarks in its map. One way it can do this is through maximum likelihood data association.
Maximum Likelihood Data Association
In maximum likelihood data association, as presented in section 7.5.2 of Probabilistic Robotics, the robot computes the probability that its current measurement corresponds to every landmark in its map. It then chooses the landmark with the highest probability of correspondence and assumes it is the correct association. This can be written as
In other words, given the robot’s past measurement correspondences , map
, past measurements
, and past control inputs
, which landmark has the highest probability of producing measurement
In practice we find this by calculating the expected measurement and measurement covariance for every landmark in the map. We can then use these to calculate the measurement probability for every landmark and then select the landmark with the highest probability. The algorithm goes as follows:
The end result is the estimated correspondence
for each measurement
. It should be noted that the probability estimates are conditioned on past correspondences. However, this method assumes that the past estimates are correct. This means that the correspondence estimates are very sensitive to incorrect associations; incorrect estimates are likely to remain incorrect on subsequent measurements. This makes the maximum likelihood method brittle and likely to diverge when measurements are incorrectly associated.
There are alternative methods that are more robust to incorrect associations. Multi-Hypothesis Tracking is one of these, but the maximum likelihood method is the simplest. For an introduction I think the maximum likelihood method is sufficient.
The Complete Algorithm
The code for the complete algorithm is shown below. It is the same as the code for EKF localization with known correlation with the addition of the maximum likelihood algorithm for measurement correspondence (lines 85 to 120). Note also that the code rendering program I’m using doesn’t seem to handle MATLAB code very well, and some of the highlighting is a little messed up.
addpath ../common; deltaT = .02; alphas = [.2 .03 .09 .08 0 0]; % motion model noise parameters % measurement model noise parameters sigma_range = .43; sigma_bearing = .6; Q_t = [sigma_range^2 0; 0 sigma_bearing^2]; n_robots = 1; robot_num = 1; n_landmarks = 15; [Barcodes, Landmark_Groundtruth, Robots] = loadMRCLAMdataSet(n_robots); [Robots, timesteps] = sampleMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, deltaT); % add pose estimate matrix to Robots Robots{robot_num}.Est = zeros(size(Robots{robot_num}.G,1), 4); start = 1; t = Robots{robot_num}.G(start, 1); % need mean and covariance for the initial pose estimate poseMean = [Robots{robot_num}.G(start,2); Robots{robot_num}.G(start,3); Robots{robot_num}.G(start,4)]; poseCov = 0.01*eye(3); measurementIndex = 1; % set up map between barcodes and landmark IDs codeDict = containers.Map(Barcodes(:,2),Barcodes(:,1)); while (Robots{robot_num}.M(measurementIndex, 1) < t - .05) measurementIndex = measurementIndex + 1; end % loop through all odometry and measurement samples % updating the robot's pose estimate with each step % reference table 7.3 in Probabilistic Robotics for i = start:size(Robots{robot_num}.G, 1) theta = poseMean(3, 1); % update time t = Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 1); % update movement vector u_t = [Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 2); Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 3)]; rot = deltaT * u_t(2); halfRot = rot / 2; trans = u_t(1) * deltaT; % calculate the movement Jacobian G_t = [1 0 trans * -sin(theta + halfRot); 0 1 trans * cos(theta + halfRot); 0 0 1]; % calculate motion covariance in control space M_t = [(alphas(1) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(2) * abs(u_t(2)))^2 0; 0 (alphas(3) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(4) * abs(u_t(2)))^2]; % calculate Jacobian to transform motion covariance to state space V_t = [cos(theta + halfRot) -0.5 * sin(theta + halfRot); sin(theta + halfRot) 0.5 * cos(theta + halfRot); 0 1]; % calculate pose update from odometry poseUpdate = [trans * cos(theta + halfRot); trans * sin(theta + halfRot); rot]; poseMeanBar = poseMean + poseUpdate; poseCovBar = G_t * poseCov * G_t' + V_t * M_t * V_t'; % get measurements [z, measurementIndex] = getObservations(Robots, robot_num, t, measurementIndex, codeDict); % remove landmark ID from measurement because % we're trying to live without that z = z(1:2,:); % if features are observed % loop over all features and compute Kalman gain if z(1,1) > 0.1 for k = 1:size(z, 2) % loop over every observed landmark % loop over all landmarks and compute MLE correspondence predZ = zeros(n_landmarks, 1, 2); % predicted measurements predS = zeros(n_landmarks, 2, 2); % predicted measurement covariances predH = zeros(n_landmarks, 2, 3); % predicted measurement Jacobians maxJ = 0; landmarkIndex = 0; for j = 1:n_landmarks xDist = Landmark_Groundtruth(j, 2) - poseMeanBar(1); yDist = Landmark_Groundtruth(j, 3) - poseMeanBar(2); q = xDist^2 + yDist^2; % calculate predicted measurement predZ(j,:,:) = [sqrt(q); conBear(atan2(yDist, xDist) - poseMeanBar(3))]; % calculate predicted measurement Jacobian predH(j,:,:) = [-xDist/sqrt(q) -yDist/sqrt(q) 0; yDist/q -xDist/q -1]; % calculate predicted measurement covariance predS(j,:,:) = squeeze(predH(j,:,:)) * poseCovBar ... * squeeze(predH(j,:,:))' + Q_t; % calculate probability of measurement correspondence thisJ = det(2 * pi * squeeze(predS(j,:,:)))^(-0.5) * ... exp(-0.5 * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(j,:,:)))' ... * inv(squeeze(predS(j,:,:))) ... * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(j,:,:)))); % update correspondence if the probability is % higher than the previous maximum if thisJ > maxJ maxJ = thisJ; landmarkIndex = j; end end % compute Kalman gain K = poseCovBar * squeeze(predH(landmarkIndex,:,:))' ... * inv(squeeze(predS(landmarkIndex,:,:))); % update pose mean and covariance estimates poseMeanBar = poseMeanBar + K * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(landmarkIndex,:,:))); poseCovBar = (eye(3) - (K * squeeze(predH(landmarkIndex,:,:)))) * poseCovBar; end end % update pose mean and covariance poseMean = poseMeanBar; poseMean(3) = conBear(poseMean(3)); poseCov = poseCovBar; % add pose mean to estimated position vector Robots{robot_num}.Est(i,:) = [t poseMean(1) poseMean(2) poseMean(3)]; % calculate error between mean pose and groundtruth % for testing only %{ groundtruth = [Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 2); Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 3); Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 4)]; error = groundtruth - poseMean; %} end animateMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, Landmark_Groundtruth, timesteps, deltaT);