Intro to the EKF Step 4: SLAM With Unknown Correspondence

This tutorial is part of a series on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using the extended Kalman filter. See the following for other tutorials in the series:

This tutorial builds on the previous tutorials on localization and SLAM. When doing SLAM with unknown measurement correspondence we no longer have any prior information about the robot’s environment. When we get a measurement we don’t know to which landmark it corresponds. This means we have to use a maximum likelihood measurement association method similar to the one used in the tutorial on localization with unknown correlation. There’s another, more difficult challenge though. Not only do we have no idea where the landmarks are in the environment, we don’t even know how many landmarks exist in the environment. This is the most difficult scenario for a SLAM system but, as you’ll see it only takes a couple of tweaks to the SLAM algorithm presented in the previous tutorial to handle this situation.

The State And Covariance Matrices

As in the previous tutorial on SLAM with known correlation, the state mean vector \mu and covariance matrix \Sigma need to contain entries for the robot’s pose as well as the landmark locations. The big difference here is that we don’t know how many landmarks we’ll be tracking. This means we need to add new landmarks to the state as we find them.

You may notice this presents a problem for the complexity of the algorithm. Every time a new landmark is added to the state the state covariance matrix grows, adding complexity to every calculation involving the covariance matrix, of which there are several. This is why the complexity of EKF SLAM scales with the number of landmarks in the state. This isn’t a problem if the robot always stays in the same area and if it can accurately associate measurements to existing landmarks. In this case the number of landmarks is roughly constant so the complexity of the algorithm stays constant. However, if the robot explores new areas the number of landmarks being tracked, and thus the complexity of the algorithm, grows with time. In this case it can become computationally intractable very quickly.

Limiting Complexity

There are a number of ways to limit the growth in EKF SLAM’s complexity. For instance, one can remove landmarks from the state if they haven’t been observed for a certain amount of time. Or, for a more sophisticated approach, one could keep two classes of landmarks: active and inactive. A landmark that hasn’t been observed for a certain amount of time is moved from the state matrix to the inactive set. In this formulation only the active landmarks are used in computing the state estimate, but if an inactive landmark is observed it can be added back to the state. This would prevent the complexity of the algorithm from growing out of control but also allow the robot to recognize previously visited locations, limiting drift in the state estimate. This method requires an extremely reliable measurement association algorithm, however. Without bulletproof measurement associations it is more likely to create new landmarks than associate measurements to landmarks in the inactive set. For this one usually needs more information from a measurement than just range and bearing. For instance, it is helpful to have information about the landmark’s shape or appearance in addition to its location relative to the robot.

Measurement Association

Our measurement association algorithm for SLAM is very similar to the one we used in localization with unknown correspondence. There’s an important additional requirement though. When doing localization we just need to decide which landmark is most likely to be associated with the current measurement. With SLAM we also need to decide if its more likely that a given measurement is associated with an existing landmark or with a new landmark.

As in the case for localization, for each new measurement we’ll loop over every known landmark and calculate the likelihood the measurement associates to that landmark. We then take the landmark most likely to be associated to the current measurement. If its likelihood of association is above a threshold value, we associate the measurement to that landmark. If its likelihood is below the threshold value we instead use that measurement to create a new landmark. In the algorithm below we calculate the Mahalanobis distance, \pi_k, between each landmark and the measurement, and we instead search for the landmark association with the minimum Mahalanobis distance. This is just another way of doing maximum likelihood association. Note also we’re using the same F_{x,k} matrix as in the previous tutorial.

    \begin{align*} \text{for all}&\text{ measurements } z_t^i=[r_t^i\ \phi_t^i]^T \text{ do} \\ &\begin{bmatrix} \bar{\mu}_{N_t+1,x} \\ \bar{\mu}_{N_t+1,y} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \bar{\mu}_{t,x} \\ \bar{\mu}_{t,y} \end{bmatrix} + r_t^i \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\phi_t^i+\bar{\mu}_{t,\theta}) \\ \sin(\phi_t^i+\bar{\mu}_{t,\theta}) \end{bmatrix} \\ \text{for}&\text{ all landmarks } k \text{ to } N_{t+1} \text{ do} \\ &q = (m_{k,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x})^2 + (m_{k,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y})^2 \\ &r = \sqrt{q} \\ &\hat{z}_t^k = \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{q} \\ \text{atan2}(m_{k,y}-\bar{\mu}_{t,y},\ m_{k,x}-\bar{\mu}_{t,x})-\bar{\mu}_{t,\theta} \end{bmatrix} \\ &F_{x,k} = \begin{bmatrix} 1&0&0&0&\dots&0&0&\dots&0\\0&1&0&0&\dots&0&0&\dots&0\\0&0&1&0&\dots&0&0&\dots&0\\0&0&0&0&\dots&1&0&\dots&0\\0&0&0&0&\dots&0&1&\dots&0 \end{bmatrix} \\ &h_t^k = \begin{bmatrix} -\delta_{k,x}/r & -\delta_{k,y}/r & 0 & \delta_{k,x}/r & \delta_{k,y}/r \\ \delta_{k,y}/q & -\delta_{k,x}/q & -1 & -\delta_{k,y}/q & \delta_{k,x}/q \end{bmatrix} \\ &H_t^k=h_t^kF_{x,k}\\ &\Psi_k=H_t^k\bar{\Sigma}_t[H_t^k]^T + Q_t \\ &\pi_k=(z_t^i-\hat{z}_t^k)^T\Psi_k^{-1}(z_t^i-\hat{z}_t^k) \\ \text{end}&\text{for} \\ \pi_{N_t+1}&=\alpha \\ j(i) &= \text{argmin}_k\ \pi_k\\ N_t &= \text{max}\{N_t,j(i)\} \\ \text{endfor}& \end{align*}

To summarize, at the start of the algorithm we create a new landmark at the end of the state mean vector \mu. We then calculate the Mahalanobis distance between all landmarks and the current measurement. We then set the distance for the newly created landmark to a threshold value, \alpha. We finally associate the measurement to the landmark with the lowest distance. If no landmark has a distance lower than \alpha, the new landmark is added to the state.

The Complete Algorithm

The code for the complete algorithm is shown below. Note the algorithm is very sensitive to incorrect measurement association. That’s why, when we’re doing measurement association, we keep track of the two best associations (line 113). Then we check to make sure the best association is significantly better than the second best (line 154). If not, we consider the measurement to be ambiguous and discard it. Even with this precaution the algorithm still occasionally makes bad associations. Because of this the performance of the algorithm is way less than perfect. There are several ways to deal with this, such as multi-hypothesis tracking. I may go into detail on this method in a later post.

addpath ../common;

deltaT = .02;
alphas = [.11 .01 .18 .08 0 0]; % motion model noise parameters

% measurement model noise parameters
Q_t = [11.7   0;
       0    0.18];
n_robots = 1;
robot_num = 1;
[Barcodes, Landmark_Groundtruth, Robots] = loadMRCLAMdataSet(n_robots);
[Robots, timesteps] = sampleMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, deltaT);

% add pose estimate matrix to Robots
Robots{robot_num}.Est = zeros(size(Robots{robot_num}.G,1), 4);

start = 600;
t = Robots{robot_num}.G(start, 1);

% initialize state mean
stateMean = [Robots{robot_num}.G(start,2);
stateCov = zeros(3, 3);
stateCov(1:3,1:3) = 0.001;

measurementIndex = 1;
meas_count = 0;
n_landmarks = 0;

% set up map between barcodes and landmark IDs
codeDict = containers.Map(Barcodes(:,2),Barcodes(:,1));

% loop through all odometry and measurement samples
% updating the robot's pose estimate with each step
% reference table 10.1 in Probabilistic Robotics
for i = start:size(Robots{robot_num}.G, 1)
    % update time
    t = Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 1);
    % update movement vector
    u_t = [Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 2); Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 3)];
    % update robot bearing
    theta = stateMean(3, 1);

    rot = deltaT * u_t(2);
    halfRot = rot / 2;
    trans = u_t(1) * deltaT;
    % calculate pose update from odometry
    poseUpdate = [trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
                  trans * sin(theta + halfRot);
    % calculate updated state mean
    F_x = [eye(3) zeros(3, size(stateMean, 1) - 3)];
    stateMeanBar = stateMean + F_x' * poseUpdate;
    stateMeanBar(3) = conBear(stateMeanBar(3));
    % calculate movement jacobian
    g_t = [0 0 trans * -sin(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 0];
    G_t = eye(size(stateMean, 1)) + F_x' * g_t * F_x;
    % calculate motion covariance in control space
    M_t = [(alphas(1) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(2) * abs(u_t(2)))^2 0;
           0 (alphas(3) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(4) * abs(u_t(2)))^2];
    % calculate Jacobian to transform motion covariance to state space
    V_t = [cos(theta + halfRot) -0.5 * sin(theta + halfRot);
           sin(theta + halfRot) 0.5 * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 1];
    % update state covariance
    R_t = V_t * M_t * V_t';
    stateCovBar = (G_t * stateCov * G_t') + (F_x' * R_t * F_x);
    % get measurements
    [z, measurementIndex] = getObservations(Robots, robot_num, t, measurementIndex, codeDict);
    % if features are observed
    % loop over all features and compute Kalman gain
    if z(3,1) > 0
        for k = 1:size(z, 2) % loop over every measurement

            predZ   = zeros(2, n_landmarks+1);
            predPsi = zeros(n_landmarks+1, 2, 2);
            predH   = zeros(n_landmarks+1, 2, 2*(n_landmarks+1)+3);
            pi_k    = zeros(n_landmarks+1, 1);
            % create temporary new landmark at observed position
            temp_mark = [stateMeanBar(1) + z(1,k) * cos(z(2,k) + stateMeanBar(3));
                         stateMeanBar(2) + z(1,k) * sin(z(2,k) + stateMeanBar(3))]; 
            stateMeanTemp = [stateMeanBar;
            stateCovTemp = [stateCovBar zeros(size(stateCovBar,1),2);
                            zeros(2,size(stateCovBar,2) + 2)];
            % initialize covariance for new landmark proportional
            % to range measurement squared
            for ii = (size(stateCovTemp,1)-1):(size(stateCovTemp,1))
                stateCovTemp(ii,ii) = (z(1,k)^2)/130;
            % loop over all landmarks  (including the temp landmark) and 
            % compute likelihood of correspondence with the new landmark
            max_j = 0;
            min_pi = 10*ones(2,1);
            for j = 1:n_landmarks+1

                delta = [stateMeanTemp(2*j+2) - stateMeanTemp(1);
                         stateMeanTemp(2*j+3) - stateMeanTemp(2)];
                q = delta' * delta;
                r = sqrt(q);
                predZ(:,j) = [r;
                              conBear(atan2(delta(2), delta(1)) - stateMeanTemp(3))];
                F_xj = [eye(3)     zeros(3,2*j-2) zeros(3,2) zeros(3,2*(n_landmarks+1) - 2*j);
                        zeros(2,3)   zeros(2,2*j-2) eye(2)   zeros(2,2*(n_landmarks+1) - 2*j)];
                h_t = [-delta(1)/r -delta(2)/r  0   delta(1)/r delta(2)/r;
                       delta(2)/q    -delta(1)/q    -1  -delta(2)/q  delta(1)/q];
                predH(j,:,:) = h_t * F_xj;
                predPsi(j,:,:) = squeeze(predH(j,:,:)) * stateCovTemp * ...
                                 squeeze(predH(j,:,:))' + Q_t;
                if j <= n_landmarks
                    pi_k(j) = ((z(1:2,k)-predZ(:,j))'...
                    pi_k(j) = 0.84; % alpha: min mahalanobis distance to
                                    %        add landmark to map
                % track best two associations
                if pi_k(j) < min_pi(1)
                    min_pi(2) = min_pi(1);
                    max_j = j;
                    min_pi(1) = pi_k(j);
            H = squeeze(predH(max_j,:,:));
            % best association must be significantly better than
            % the second best, otherwise the measurement is 
            % thrown out
            if (min_pi(2) / min_pi(1) > 1.6)
                meas_count = meas_count + 1;
                % if a landmark is added to the map expand the 
                % state and covariance matrices
                if max_j > n_landmarks
                    stateMeanBar = stateMeanTemp;
                    stateCovBar = stateCovTemp;
                    n_landmarks = n_landmarks + 1;
                % if measurement is associated to an existing landmark
                % truncate h matrix to prevent dim mismatch
                    H = H(:,1:n_landmarks*2 + 3);

                    K = stateCovBar * H' / (squeeze(predPsi(max_j,:,:))); 

                    stateMeanBar = stateMeanBar + K * ...
                                    (z(1:2,k) - predZ(:,max_j));
                    stateMeanBar(3) = conBear(stateMeanBar(3));
                    stateCovBar = (eye(size(stateCovBar)) - (K * H)) * stateCovBar;
    % update state mean and covariance
    stateMean = stateMeanBar;
    stateCov = stateCovBar;
    % add new pose mean to estimated poses
    Robots{robot_num}.Est(i,:) = [t stateMean(1) stateMean(2) stateMean(3)];

p_loss = path_loss(Robots, robot_num, start);
Robots{robot_num}.Map = stateMean;

%animateMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, Landmark_Groundtruth, timesteps, deltaT);

Intro to the EKF Step 3: SLAM With Known Correspondence

This tutorial is part of a series on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using the extended Kalman filter. See the following for other tutorials in the series:

This tutorial builds on the previous two tutorials on localization. When doing SLAM with known measurement correspondence the number of landmarks is still fixed. Also, when we get a range and bearing measurement, we know to which landmark that measurement corresponds. This means we don’t need to use the maximum likelihood measurement association method from the previous tutorial. The big difference here is that we don’t have any prior information on where the landmarks are in the world. So instead of just using measurements to refine our pose estimate, we’ll also use them to estimate the landmark locations. Don’t worry though, the process is remarkably similar to simple localization. There’s just a couple of significant changes to highlight.

The State and Covariance Matrices

Since we don’t know where the landmarks are, we need simultaneously estimate their locations as well as our robot’s pose. This means the landmark locations are now part of the state of the system we’re trying to estimate. So the coordinates of the landmarks are now included in the state vector. When doing simple localization the state vector had dimension 3\times1. Now when doing SLAM the state vector has dimension 2n+3\times1 where n is the number of landmarks in our problem. In this formulation the coordinates of landmark j (x_j and y_j) are found at indices 2i+2 and 2i+3 of the state vector.

Remember, our estimate of the system’s state is quantified by the state mean vector \mu and covariance \Sigma. So in order to estimate a larger \mu vector we need to keep track of a larger \Sigma matrix as well. Specifically, we’ll expand the covariance matrix from 3\times3 to 2n+3\times2n+3 where n is again the number of landmarks.

The Update Step

To accommodate the larger size of our state vector we’ll need to make some changes to the EKF algorithm as well. Let’s start with the update step, where we update the pose of the robot based on the control inputs. We still need to update the elements of the state vector and covariance matrix that correspond to the robot’s pose. However, the robot’s control inputs clearly don’t affect the positions of the landmarks. So we need a way to update the robot’s pose without affecting the landmark estimates. The answer here is a special matrix we’ll call F_x. F_x is simply a 3\times2n+3 matrix where the rightmost block is a 3\times3 identity matrix and the other entries are zeros:

    \begin{equation*} F_k=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & \dots & 0 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

F_x is used to map updates to the robot’s pose mean and covariance to the higher-dimensional space of the full state, which includes the landmark positions. So the update step now looks like this:

    \begin{align*} \bar{\mu}_k &= \mu_{k-1} + F_x^Tu_k' \\ G_k &= I_{2n+3}+F_x^Tg_kF_x \\ \bar{\Sigma}_k &= G_k \Sigma_{k-1} G_k^T + F_x^T R F_x \end{align*}

where u_k' is the motion update calculated from the control input at timestep k (not the raw control input), g_k is the motion Jacobian evaluated at timestep k, I_{2n+3} is a 2n+3\times2n+3 identity matrix, and R is the constant process noise covariance.

The Measurement Step

We need to make a similar change in the measurement step. A given measurement corresponds to only one landmark, so that measurement shouldn’t affect the estimates of the other landmarks. However, each measurement also affects the robot’s pose estimate. So we’ll need a way of mapping our corrections from the 2D landmark and 3D pose spaces to the full state space while ensuring only the relevant quantities in the mean vector, \mu and covariance matrix, \Sigma are affected. For this we need another F matrix. This time it will be F_{xj}, with the subscript xj signifying that it relates the pose x to landmark j. F_{xj} is a 5\times2n+3 matrix. The 3\times3 block in the upper right is an identity matrix, corresponding to the pose terms in the state and covariance matrix. F_{xj} also has a 2\times2 identity block occupying the lower two rows and starting at the index 2j+2 where j is the index of the landmark corresponding to the current measurement. All other entries in F_{xj} are zeros:

    \begin{equation*} F_{xj} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 & \dots  \\ 0 & 1 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 0 & \dots  \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & \dots & 0 & 0 & \dots  \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 1 & 0 & \dots  \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \dots & 0 & 1 & \dots  \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

This cool matrix allows us to incorporate one measurement at a time, only updating the terms in the state and covariance matrices that correspond to the robot’s pose and the relevant landmark. We do this as follows:

    \begin{align*} H_k &= h_k F_{xj} \\ K &= \bar{\Sigma}H_k^T(H_k\bar{\Sigma}H_k^T+Q) ^{-1}\\ \mu_k &= \bar{\mu}_k + K(z-\hat{z}) \\ \Sigma_k &= (I_{2n+3} - KH_k)*\bar{\Sigma}_k \end{align*}

where h_k is the measurement Jacobian. With only these augmentations we can change the localization algorithm with known correspondence to a SLAM algorithm with known correspondence. Not too complicated, right?

The Complete Algorithm

The code for the complete algorithm is shown below. It is very similar to the code for EKF localization with known correlation with state vector and covariance matrices that now include landmarks and with the update and measurement steps augmented as discussed above. Note also that after the states are estimated, in lines 157 through 167, the system calculates the sum of squared errors for both the robot positions and the landmark positions. This gives us a rough way to judge the quality of our filter tuning. I’ll go into a more principled method for Kalman filter tuning in a later post, but this works well enough for demonstration purposes.

addpath ../common;

deltaT = .02;
alphas = [.1 .01 .18 .08 0 0]; % motion model noise parameters

% measurement model noise parameters
Q_t = [11.8 0;
       0    .18];
n_robots = 1;
robot_num = 1;
n_landmarks = 15;
[Barcodes, Landmark_Groundtruth, Robots] = loadMRCLAMdataSet(n_robots);
[Robots, timesteps] = sampleMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, deltaT);

% add pose estimate matrix to Robots
Robots{robot_num}.Est = zeros(size(Robots{robot_num}.G,1), 4);

start = 600;
t = Robots{robot_num}.G(start, 1);

% initialize state mean with the groundtruth
% pose at timestep zero
stateMean = [Robots{robot_num}.G(start,2);
% reshapes stateMean to 1x(2*n_landmarks+3)
% and remaps motion updates to new state vector
F_x = [eye(3) zeros(3, 2 * n_landmarks)];

stateMean = F_x' * stateMean;

% initialize diagonal of pose covariance with small, nonzero values
% since we have a good estimate of the starting pose
stateCov = zeros(2 * n_landmarks + 3, 2 * n_landmarks + 3);
stateCov(1:3,1:3) = 0.001;

% initialize landmark variances to large values since we have
% no prior information on the locations of the landmarks
for i = 4:n_landmarks * 2 + 3
    stateCov(i,i) = 10;
measurementIndex = 1;

% set up map between barcodes and landmark IDs
% barcode values are NOT the same as landmark IDs
codeDict = containers.Map(Barcodes(:,2),Barcodes(:,1));

% loop through all odometry and measurement samples
% updating the robot's pose estimate with each step
% reference table 10.1 in Probabilistic Robotics
for i = start:size(Robots{robot_num}.G, 1)
    % update time
    t = Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 1);
    % get control inputs at current timestep
    u_t = Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 2:end);
    % update robot bearing to last timestep's estimate
    theta = stateMean(3, 1);
    % calculate rotation and translation over last timestep
    rot = deltaT * u_t(2);
    halfRot = rot / 2;
    trans = u_t(1) * deltaT;
    % calculate pose update in world frame
    poseUpdate = [trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
                  trans * sin(theta + halfRot);
    % updated state mean and constrain bearing
    % to +/- pi
    stateMeanBar = stateMean + F_x' * poseUpdate;
    stateMeanBar(3) = conBear(stateMeanBar(3));
    % calculate movement jacobian
    g_t = [0 0 trans * -sin(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 0];
    G_t = eye(2 * n_landmarks + 3) + F_x' * g_t * F_x;
    % calculate motion covariance in control space
    M_t = [(alphas(1) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(2) * abs(u_t(2)))^2 0;
           0 (alphas(3) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(4) * abs(u_t(2)))^2];
    % calculate Jacobian to transform motion covariance to state space
    V_t = [cos(theta + halfRot) -0.5 * sin(theta + halfRot);
           sin(theta + halfRot) 0.5 * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 1];
    % update state covariance
    R_t = V_t * M_t * V_t';
    stateCovBar = (G_t * stateCov * G_t') + (F_x' * R_t * F_x);
    % get measurements for current timestep
    [z, measurementIndex] = getObservations(Robots, robot_num, t, measurementIndex, codeDict);

    % if measurements are available
    if z(3,1) > 1
        S = zeros(size(z,2),3,3);
        zHat = zeros(2, size(z,2));
        % loop over every measurement and use to correct state estimate
        for k = 1:size(z, 2) 
            j = z(3,k);
            % if the landmark has never been seen before
            % add it to the state vector
            if stateMeanBar(j*2 + 2) == 0
                landmark_pos = [z(1,k) * cos(z(2,k) + stateMeanBar(3));
                                z(1,k) * sin(z(2,k) + stateMeanBar(3))];
                stateMeanBar(2*j+2:2*j+3) = [stateMeanBar(1) + landmark_pos(1);
                                             stateMeanBar(2) + landmark_pos(2)];

            % compute predicted range and bearing to the landmark
            delta = [stateMeanBar(2*j+2) - stateMeanBar(1);
                     stateMeanBar(2*j+3) - stateMeanBar(2)];
            q = delta' * delta;
            r = sqrt(q); % predicted range to landmark
            % predicted bearing to landmark
            pred_bear = conBear(atan2(delta(2), delta(1)) - stateMeanBar(3));
            % create predicted measurement
            zHat(:,k) = [r;
            % calculate measurement Jacobian    
            h_t = [-delta(1)/r -delta(2)/r  0   delta(1)/r delta(2)/r;
                   delta(2)/q    -delta(1)/q    -1  -delta(2)/q  delta(1)/q];
            F_1 = [eye(3); zeros(2,3)];
            F_2 = [zeros(3,2); eye(2)];
            F_xj = [F_1 zeros(5,2*j-2) F_2 zeros(5,2*n_landmarks - 2*j)];
            H_t = h_t * F_xj;
            % compute Kalman gain
            K = stateCovBar * H_t' / (H_t * stateCovBar * H_t' + Q_t);
            % incorporate new measurement into state mean and covariance
            stateMeanBar = stateMeanBar + K * (z(1:2,k) - zHat(:,k));
            stateCovBar = (eye(2*n_landmarks+3) - (K * H_t)) * stateCovBar;
    % update state mean and covariance
    stateMean = stateMeanBar;
    stateMean(3) = conBear(stateMean(3));
    stateCov = stateCovBar;
    % add new pose mean to estimated poses
    Robots{robot_num}.Est(i,:) = [t stateMean(1) stateMean(2) stateMean(3)];

% calculate land_loss: sum of squares of error in final landmark position
land_loss = 0;
for i = 1:n_landmarks
    x_diff = stateMean(2 * i + 1) - Landmark_Groundtruth(i, 2);
    y_diff = stateMean(2 * i + 2) - Landmark_Groundtruth(i, 3);
    sq_err = x_diff^2 + y_diff^2;
    land_loss = land_loss + sq_err;

p_loss = path_loss(Robots, robot_num, start);
animateMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, Landmark_Groundtruth, timesteps, deltaT);

Intro to the EKF Step 2: Localization With Unknown Correspondence

This tutorial is part of a series on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using the extended Kalman filter. See the following for other tutorials in the series:

This tutorial will build incrementally on the previous tutorial: Localization With Known Correlation. We’re still just doing localization, which means the robot starts with a map of landmarks that does not change over the course of its run. The difference is this time when the robot gets a range and bearing measurement, it will not know to which landmark that measurement corresponds.

In this tutorial I will explain the process for estimating the correspondence between measurements and landmarks and present the correspondence algorithm on its own. Then I will show how the correspondence estimation algorithm can be integrated with the EKF localization algorithm introduced in the prior tutorial. As before, we’ll be using the UTIAS dataset for demonstration purposes.

Measurement Correspondence Intro

When our robot gets a measurement to a nearby landmark it can use that information to refine its estimate of its pose. In the last tutorial, each measurement received by our robot was in the form of z_t^i = [r_t^i\ \phi_t^i\ s_t^i]^T where z_t^i is the measurement to landmark i at time t. This vector contains the range r_t^i, bearing \phi_t^i, and, crucially, identity of the landmark being measured s_t^i. This could be interpreted as “landmark s is r meters away, at a bearing of \phi radians.”

In our current problem, the measurement vector will be z_t^i=[r_t^i\ \phi_t^i]^T. So we are no longer directly telling the robot to which landmark each measurement corresponds. Without knowledge of this correspondence measurements are basically useless to our robot. Sure, it knows the location of a landmark relative to its own location. But without knowing where that landmark is in the world it can’t use that information to refine its estimate of its pose.

So our robot needs a way to estimate the correspondence between its measurements and the landmarks in its map. One way it can do this is through maximum likelihood data association.

Maximum Likelihood Data Association

In maximum likelihood data association, as presented in section 7.5.2 of Probabilistic Robotics, the robot computes the probability that its current measurement corresponds to every landmark in its map. It then chooses the landmark with the highest probability of correspondence and assumes it is the correct association. This can be written as

\hat{c}_t = \text{argmax}_c\ p(z_t|c_{1:t},\ m,\ z_{1:t-1},\ u_{1:t})

In other words, given the robot’s past measurement correspondences c_{1:t}, map m, past measurements z_{1:t-1}, and past control inputs u_{1:t}, which landmark has the highest probability of producing measurement z_t?

In practice we find this by calculating the expected measurement and measurement covariance for every landmark in the map. We can then use these to calculate the measurement probability for every landmark and then select the landmark with the highest probability. The algorithm goes as follows:

    \begin{align*} \text{for all}&\text{ measurements } z_t^i=[r_t^i\ \phi_t^i]^T \text{ do} \\ \text{for}&\text{ all landmarks } k \text{ in the map } m \text{ do} \\ &q = (m_{k,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x})^2 + (m_{k,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y})^2 \\ &\hat{z}_t^k = \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{q} \\ \text{atan2}(m_{k,y}-\bar{\mu}_{t,y},\ m_{k,x}-\bar{\mu}_{t,x})-\bar{\mu}_{t,\theta} \end{bmatrix} \\ &H_t^k = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{m_{k,x}-\bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{\sqrt{q}} & -\frac{m_{k,y}-\bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{\sqrt{q}} & 0 \\ \frac{m_{k,y}-\bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{q} & -\frac{m_{k,x}-\bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{q} & -1\end{bmatrix} \\ &S_t^k = H_t^k \bar{\Sigma}_t [H_t^k]^T + Q_t \\ \text{end}&\text{for} \\ j(i) &= \text{argmax}_k\ \text{det}(2\pi S_t^k)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \text{exp}\{-\frac{1}{2}(z_t^i-\hat{z}_t^k)[S_t^k]^{-1}(z_t^i-\hat{z}_t^k)^T\}\\ \text{endfor}& \end{align*}

The end result j(i) is the estimated correspondence j for each measurement i. It should be noted that the probability estimates are conditioned on past correspondences. However, this method assumes that the past estimates are correct. This means that the correspondence estimates are very sensitive to incorrect associations; incorrect estimates are likely to remain incorrect on subsequent measurements. This makes the maximum likelihood method brittle and likely to diverge when measurements are incorrectly associated.

There are alternative methods that are more robust to incorrect associations. Multi-Hypothesis Tracking is one of these, but the maximum likelihood method is the simplest. For an introduction I think the maximum likelihood method is sufficient.

The Complete Algorithm

The code for the complete algorithm is shown below. It is the same as the code for EKF localization with known correlation with the addition of the maximum likelihood algorithm for measurement correspondence (lines 85 to 120). Note also that the code rendering program I’m using doesn’t seem to handle MATLAB code very well, and some of the highlighting is a little messed up.

addpath ../common;

deltaT = .02;
alphas = [.2 .03 .09 .08 0 0]; % motion model noise parameters

% measurement model noise parameters
sigma_range = .43;
sigma_bearing = .6;

Q_t = [sigma_range^2 0;
       0 sigma_bearing^2];

n_robots = 1;
robot_num = 1;
n_landmarks = 15;
[Barcodes, Landmark_Groundtruth, Robots] = loadMRCLAMdataSet(n_robots);
[Robots, timesteps] = sampleMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, deltaT);

% add pose estimate matrix to Robots
Robots{robot_num}.Est = zeros(size(Robots{robot_num}.G,1), 4);

start = 1; 
t = Robots{robot_num}.G(start, 1); 
% need mean and covariance for the initial pose estimate
poseMean = [Robots{robot_num}.G(start,2);
poseCov = 0.01*eye(3);
measurementIndex = 1;

% set up map between barcodes and landmark IDs
codeDict = containers.Map(Barcodes(:,2),Barcodes(:,1));

while (Robots{robot_num}.M(measurementIndex, 1) < t - .05)
        measurementIndex = measurementIndex + 1;

% loop through all odometry and measurement samples
% updating the robot's pose estimate with each step
% reference table 7.3 in Probabilistic Robotics
for i = start:size(Robots{robot_num}.G, 1)
    theta = poseMean(3, 1);
    % update time
    t = Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 1);
    % update movement vector
    u_t = [Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 2); Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 3)];

    rot = deltaT * u_t(2);
    halfRot = rot / 2;
    trans = u_t(1) * deltaT;
    % calculate the movement Jacobian
    G_t = [1 0 trans * -sin(theta + halfRot);
           0 1 trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 1];
    % calculate motion covariance in control space
    M_t = [(alphas(1) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(2) * abs(u_t(2)))^2 0;
           0 (alphas(3) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(4) * abs(u_t(2)))^2];
    % calculate Jacobian to transform motion covariance to state space
    V_t = [cos(theta + halfRot) -0.5 * sin(theta + halfRot);
           sin(theta + halfRot) 0.5 * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 1];
    % calculate pose update from odometry
    poseUpdate = [trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
                  trans * sin(theta + halfRot);
    poseMeanBar = poseMean + poseUpdate;
    poseCovBar = G_t * poseCov * G_t' + V_t * M_t * V_t';
    % get measurements
    [z, measurementIndex] = getObservations(Robots, robot_num, t, measurementIndex, codeDict);
    % remove landmark ID from measurement because
    % we're trying to live without that
    z = z(1:2,:);
    % if features are observed
    % loop over all features and compute Kalman gain
    if z(1,1) > 0.1
        for k = 1:size(z, 2) % loop over every observed landmark
            % loop over all landmarks and compute MLE correspondence
            predZ = zeros(n_landmarks, 1, 2); % predicted measurements
            predS = zeros(n_landmarks, 2, 2); % predicted measurement covariances
            predH = zeros(n_landmarks, 2, 3); % predicted measurement Jacobians
            maxJ = 0; 
            landmarkIndex = 0;
            for j = 1:n_landmarks
                xDist = Landmark_Groundtruth(j, 2) - poseMeanBar(1);
                yDist = Landmark_Groundtruth(j, 3) - poseMeanBar(2);
                q = xDist^2 + yDist^2;
                % calculate predicted measurement
                predZ(j,:,:) = [sqrt(q);
                            conBear(atan2(yDist, xDist) - poseMeanBar(3))];
                % calculate predicted measurement Jacobian
                predH(j,:,:) = [-xDist/sqrt(q) -yDist/sqrt(q) 0;
                                yDist/q        -xDist/q      -1];
                % calculate predicted measurement covariance
                predS(j,:,:) = squeeze(predH(j,:,:)) * poseCovBar ...
                               * squeeze(predH(j,:,:))' + Q_t;
                % calculate probability of measurement correspondence          
                thisJ = det(2 * pi * squeeze(predS(j,:,:)))^(-0.5) * ...
                        exp(-0.5 * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(j,:,:)))' ...
                        * inv(squeeze(predS(j,:,:))) ...
                        * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(j,:,:))));
                % update correspondence if the probability is
                % higher than the previous maximum
                if thisJ > maxJ
                    maxJ = thisJ;
                    landmarkIndex = j;

            % compute Kalman gain
            K = poseCovBar * squeeze(predH(landmarkIndex,:,:))' ...
                * inv(squeeze(predS(landmarkIndex,:,:)));

            % update pose mean and covariance estimates
            poseMeanBar = poseMeanBar + K * (z(:,k) - squeeze(predZ(landmarkIndex,:,:)));
            poseCovBar = (eye(3) - (K * squeeze(predH(landmarkIndex,:,:)))) * poseCovBar;
    % update pose mean and covariance
    poseMean = poseMeanBar;
    poseMean(3) = conBear(poseMean(3));
    poseCov = poseCovBar;
    % add pose mean to estimated position vector
    Robots{robot_num}.Est(i,:) = [t poseMean(1) poseMean(2) poseMean(3)];
    % calculate error between mean pose and groundtruth 
    % for testing only
    groundtruth = [Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 2); 
                   Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 3); 
                   Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 4)];
    error = groundtruth - poseMean;
animateMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, Landmark_Groundtruth, timesteps, deltaT);

Intro to the EKF Step 1: Localization With Known Correlation

This tutorial is part of a series on Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) using the extended Kalman filter. See the following for other tutorials in the series:

In this tutorial I’ll focus on one of the easiest state estimation problems: localization with known measurement correspondence. The “localization” part means that the robot already knows the positions of all of the landmarks in the environment. The “known correspondence” part means that when the robot measures the range and bearing to a landmark it always knows which landmark it’s measuring.

In this tutorial I’ll explain the EKF algorithm and then demonstrate how it can be implemented using the UTIAS dataset. I’ll break it down into the following sections:

Intro To The Algorithm

First off, why do we need this complicated algorithm for localization? Can’t we just track our position with odometry? This isn’t possible because a robot’s pose over time is not deterministic; it can’t be calculated exactly due to errors (also referred to as noise) in the odometry which accumulate over time.

This is why the Kalman filter represents the robot’s pose at time t as a multivariate normal probability distribution with a mean at \mu_t and covariance of \Sigma_t. The robot’s expected (or most likely) pose is at \mu_t and the uncertainty of that pose is quantified by \Sigma_t. The Kalman filter updates the robot’s pose using the robot’s motion from odometry u_t. Then it corrects for noise in the motion update using the robot’s sensor readings z_t.

One important advantage of the Kalman filter (and other similar algorithms) is that it is recursive. It only requires information about the state of the robot at time t-1 in order to estimate the state at time t. In other words, it doesn’t require information about any of the prior states of the robot from time t_0 to time t-2. This means it requires less memory and processor time to compute!

Below I present a mathematical definition for the extended Kalman filter. Most of it is taken from table 7.2 of Probabilistic Robotics by Thrun, Fox, and Burgard. It will be helpful to follow along in Probabilistic Robotics in addition to this tutorial. I’d also recommend reading chapter 3 of that book to gain a better understanding of Gaussian filters and recursive estimation.

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  • the mean of the pose estimate from the previous timestep: \mu_{t-1} = \begin{bmatrix} x_{t-1} &y_{t-1} &\theta_{t-1} \end{bmatrix}^T
    • x_{t-1} is the robot’s previous x position in meters
    • y_{t-1} is the robot’s previous y position in meters
    • \theta_{t-1} is the robot’s previous heading in radians
  • the covariance matrix of the previous timestep, \Sigma_{t-1}
    • this represents the uncertainty of the pose estimate
  • the control inputs (or odometry) at the current timestep, u_t=\begin{bmatrix} v_t &\omega_t \end{bmatrix}^T
    • v_t is the robot’s linear velocity in meters/sec
    • \omega_t is the robot’s angular velocity in radians/sec
  • the measurements from the current timestep, z_t = \begin{bmatrix} z_t^1 &z_t^2 &\dots &z_t^k \end{bmatrix} where k is the number of measurements at time t
    • each z_t^i = \begin{bmatrix} r_t^i &\phi_t^i &s_t^i \end{bmatrix}^T where
      • r_t^i is the range to landmark i in meters
      • \phi_t^i is the bearing to landmark i in radians
      • s_t^i is the ID of landmark i
  • c_t is the correspondence between the measurement and landmarks
    • for our purposes this will be ignored for now
  • the map m = \begin{bmatrix}m_1 &m_2 &\dots &m_n \end{bmatrix} where n is the number of landmarks
    • each m_i = \begin{bmatrix} m_{i,x} &m_{i,y} &m_{i,s} \end{bmatrix}^T where
      • m_{i,x} is the x position of landmark i in meters
      • m_{i,y} is the y position of landmark i in meters
      • m_{i,s} is the ID of landmark i

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  • the updated pose estimate, \mu_t
  • the updated covariance matrix, \Sigma_t
  • the measurement probability, p_{z_t}, which is the likelihood of the measurements z_t given the robot’s estimated pose before measurements were incorporated: \bar{\mu}_t
    • We’ll be ignoring this for now as well

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    \begin{flalign*} \text{Loc} &\text{alization with known correspondence}(\mu_{t-1}, \Sigma_{t-1},u_t,z_t,c_t,m): \\ &\theta = u_{t-1,\theta} \\ &G_t = \begin{bmatrix} 1 &0 &-v_t \Delta t \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2})\\ 0 &1 &v_t \Delta t \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2})\\ 0 &0 &1 \end{bmatrix} \\ &V_t = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) &-\frac{1}{2} \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) &\frac{1}{2} \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ 0 &1 \end{bmatrix} \\ &M_t = \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_1 v_{t}^{2} + \alpha_2 \omega_{t}^{2} &0 \\ 0 &\alpha_{3} v_{t}^{2} + \alpha_4 \omega_{t}^{2} \end{bmatrix} \\ &\bar{\mu_t} = \mu_{t-1} + \begin{bmatrix} v_t \Delta t \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ v_t \Delta t \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ \omega_t \Delta t \end{bmatrix} \\ &\bar{\Sigma}_t = G_t \Sigma_{t-1} G_{t}^{T} + V_t M_t V_{t}^{T} \\ &Q_t = \begin{bmatrix} \sigma_{r}^{2} &0 &0 \\ 0 &\sigma_{\phi}^{2} &0 \\ 0 &0 &\sigma_{s}^{2} \end{bmatrix}\\ &\text{for all observed features $z_{t}^{i}=\begin{bmatrix} r_{t}^{i} &\phi_{t}^{i} &s_{t}^{i}\end{bmatrix}^T$ do} \\ \end{flalign*}

    \begin{flalign*} &j=c_{t}^{i}\\ &q = (m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x})^2 + (m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y})^2 \\ &\hat{z}_{t}^{i} = \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{q} \\ \text{atan2}(m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y} \text{,  }m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}) - \bar{\mu}_{t, \theta} \\ m_{j,s} \end{bmatrix} \\ &H_{t}^{i} = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{\sqrt{q}} & -\frac{m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{\sqrt{q}} &0 \\ \frac{m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{q} &-\frac{m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{q} &-1 \\ 0 &0 &0 \end{bmatrix} \\ &S_{t}^{i} = H_{t}^{i} \bar{\Sigma}_t \lbrack H_{t}^{i} \rbrack ^T + Q_t \\ &K_{t}^{i} = \bar{\Sigma}_t \lbrack H_{t}^{i} \rbrack ^T \lbrack S_{t}^{i} \rbrack ^{-1} \\ &\bar{\mu}_t = \bar{\mu}_t + K_{t}^{i}(z_{t}^{i} - \hat{z}_{t}^{i}) \\ &\bar{\Sigma}_t = (I - K_{t}^{i} H_t^i) \bar{\Sigma}_t \\ \end{flalign*}

    \begin{flalign*} &\text{end for} \\ &\mu_t = \bar{\mu}_t \\ &\Sigma_t = \bar{\Sigma}_t \\ &p_{z_t} = \prod_i \det(2 \pi S_t^i)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp \{ -\frac{1}{2}(z_t^i - \hat{z}_t^i)^T \lbrack S_t^i \rbrack ^{-1} (z_t^i - \hat{z}_t^i) \} \\ &\text{return } \mu_t, \Sigma_t, p_{z_t} \\ \end{flalign*}

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Motion Update

The algorithm is divided into two parts: the motion update and the sensor update. First, in the motion update the odometry information is incorporated into the state estimate. The motion update is based around a motion model g(u_t, x_{t-1}), which calculates a new pose based on the previous pose x_{t-1} and the odometry u_t.

(1)   \begin{equation*} \bar{\mu_t} = g(u_t, x_{t-1}) = \mu_{t-1} + \begin{bmatrix} v_t \Delta t \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ v_t \Delta t \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ \omega_t \Delta t \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

In this equation \bar{\mu}_t denotes the estimated updated mean of the pose distribution. The motion model I’m using assumes that the robot rotates in place, then drives in a straight line, then rotates in place again. This is a common approximation and it’s accurate enough as long as \Delta t is small.

In addition to calculating a new mean for our robot’s pose distribution \bar{\mu}_t we need calculate an estimated covariance for the new pose, \bar{\Sigma}_t. In order to do this we need to multiply the covariance from the last timestep, \Sigma_{t-1}  by the derivative (also called the Jacobian) of the motion model with respect to the previous state x_{t-1}:

(2)   \begin{equation*} G_t = \frac{\partial g(u_t, \mu_{t-1})}{\partial x_{t-1}} = \begin{bmatrix} 1 &0 &-v_t \Delta t \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2})\\ 0 &1 &v_t \Delta t \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2})\\ 0 &0 &1 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

The multiplication looks like the following: G_t \Sigma_{t-1} G_t^T. We also need to calculate the additional noise (or uncertainty) associated with the motion that occurred between t-1 and t.

(3)   \begin{equation*} M_t = \begin{bmatrix} \alpha_1 v_{t}^{2} + \alpha_2 \omega_{t}^{2} &0 \\ 0 &\alpha_{3} v_{t}^{2} + \alpha_4 \omega_{t}^{2} \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

The alphas \alpha_1 through \alpha_4 are noise parameters that, unfortunately, need to be hand-tuned for the particular robot being used. Also, M_t is in control space and we need to map it into state space. To do this we need the Jacobian of the motion model with respect to the motion parameters u_t:

(4)   \begin{equation*} V_t = \frac{\partial g(u_t, \mu_{t-1})}{\partial u_t} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) &-\frac{1}{2} \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ \sin(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) &\frac{1}{2} \cos(\theta + \frac{\omega_t \Delta t}{2}) \\ 0 &1 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

So we can map the noise M_t to state space with the following multiplication: V_t M_t V_t^T. To get the complete updated covariance \bar{\Sigma}_t we add the transformed covariance from the previous timestep to the additional noise:

(5)   \begin{equation*} \bar{\Sigma}_t = G_t \Sigma_{t-1} G_{t}^{T} + V_t M_t V_{t}^{T} \end{equation*}

So the motion update step updates the robot’s pose mean and covariance based on its odometry. You may have noticed, however, that the covariance only gets larger in this step. This means our uncertainty about the robot’s pose always grows when we incorporate odometry. We can decrease the uncertainty by incorporating sensor information, which is what we do in the next step.

Note: The motion model and associated Jacobians presented in the preceding section are different from those presented in Probabilistic Robotics. The model presented in Probabilistic Robotics assumes that the robot is always moving in an arc and its angular velocity, \omega_t, is never zero. The Jacobians for this model involve dividing by \omega_t. This means that the model breaks if \omega_t is ever equal to zero. This is a problem for us because \omega_t often is equal to zero in the UTIAS dataset. That is why I subbed in my own motion model.

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Sensor Update

The sensor update refines the robot’s pose estimate and decreases its uncertainty. This happens in the for loop of the algorithm. It is run for every measurement that occurs at timestep t.

In the first step of the sensor update we calculate what the range and bearing to the landmark would have been if the estimated pose mean \bar{\mu}_t were correct. This is called the expected measurement \hat{z}_t and it is calculated using the measurement model h_t(x_t,m).

(6)   \begin{equation*} q = (m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x})^2 + (m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y})^2 \end{equation*}

(7)   \begin{equation*} \hat{z}_{t}^{i} = h(x_t, m) = \begin{bmatrix} \sqrt{q} \\ \text{atan2}(m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y} \text{,  }m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}) - \bar{\mu}_{t, \theta} \\ m_{j,s} \end{bmatrix} \\ \end{equation*}

Remember that m_{j,x}, m_{j,y}, and m_{j,s} are the x position, y position, and ID of landmark j, respectively.

We also need to calculate the additional noise associated with the measurement. To do this we need the Jacobian of the measurement model with respect to the robot’s pose:

(8)   \begin{equation*} H_{t}^{i} = \frac{\partial h(\bar{\mu}_t, m)}{\partial x_t} = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{\sqrt{q}} & -\frac{m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{\sqrt{q}} &0 \\ \frac{m_{j,y} - \bar{\mu}_{t,y}}{q} &-\frac{m_{j,x} - \bar{\mu}_{t,x}}{q} &-1 \\ 0 &0 &0 \end{bmatrix} \end{equation*}

The measurement noise is calculated by multiplying the prior estimated covariance with the measurement model Jacobian and adding additional noise for the new measurement. The additional noise Q_t is a constant for all measurements. It is a 3 \times 3 diagonal matrix with noise parameters \sigma_r, \sigma_\phi, and \sigma_s. The sigmas represent the noise for landmark range, bearing, and noise, respectively. Like the alphas in equation (3), the sigmas must be hand-tuned in order to obtain good performance.

(9)   \begin{equation*} S_t^i = H_t^i \bar{\Sigma}_t \lbrack H_t^i \rbrack ^T + Q_t \end{equation*}

S_t^i is then used to calculate the Kalman gain, K_t^i. The Kalman gain determines how heavily the sensor information should be weighted when correcting the estimated new pose \bar{\mu}_t and \bar{\Sigma}_t.

(10)   \begin{equation*} K_{t}^{i} = \bar{\Sigma}_t \lbrack H_{t}^{i} \rbrack ^T \lbrack S_{t}^{i} \rbrack ^{-1} \end{equation*}

The Kalman gain is used to update the estimated pose mean and covariance \bar{\mu}_t and \bar{\Sigma}_t as follows:

(11)   \begin{equation*} \bar{\mu}_t = \bar{\mu}_t + K_{t}^{i}(z_{t}^{i} - \hat{z}_{t}^{i}) \end{equation*}

(12)   \begin{equation*} \bar{\Sigma}_t = (I - K_{t}^{i} H_t^i) \bar{\Sigma}_t \end{equation*}

The amount of correction to the estimated pose mean depends on K_t^i and the difference between the expected measurement \hat{z}_t^i (calculated in equation (7) and the actual measurement z_t^i. A larger discrepancy between the expected and actual measurement will result in a larger correction.

After the sensor update is complete the pose mean and covariance are updated with the estimated values: \mu_t = \bar{\mu}_t and \Sigma_t = \bar{\Sigma}_t. The measurement probability is also calculated here but we are not making use of this value.

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When writing robotics software I’m often frustrated by the separation between theory and software engineering. There are many good theoretical explanations of the extended Kalman filter online. There are also several good examples of code that uses an EKF. But I was unable to find any textbook, academic paper, blog post, or stackexchange thread that did a good job of demonstrating how the math translates into code. I’m hoping my code below will change that. I’ve been careful to explain all major steps and refer to the equations above in the comments. I hope you find it helpful!

Lastly, note that comments in MATLAB begin with a % symbol. The code rendering plugin I used doesn’t seem to get this when highlighting the code, however. So be aware that the highlighting below isn’t always accurate, but the actual code is.

addpath ../common; % adds support functions used in all my EKF programs
                   % check my github for details

deltaT = .02; 
alphas = [.2 .03 .09 .08 0 0]; % robot-dependent motion noise parameters
                               % see equation 3

% robot-dependent sensor noise parameters
% see equation 9
sigma_range = 2;
sigma_bearing = 3;
sigma_id = 1;

Q_t = [sigma_range^2 0 0;
       0 sigma_bearing^2 0;
       0 0 sigma_id^2];

measurement_prob = 0;
n_robots = 1;
robot_num = 1;

% load and resample raw data from UTIAS data set
% The robot's position groundtruth, odometry, and measurements 
% are stored in Robots
[Barcodes, Landmark_Groundtruth, Robots] = loadMRCLAMdataSet(n_robots);
[Robots, timesteps] = sampleMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, deltaT);

% add pose estimate matrix to Robots
% data will be added to this as the program runs
Robots{robot_num}.Est = zeros(size(Robots{robot_num}.G,1), 4);

% initialize time, and pose estimate
start = 600; % start index is set to 600 because earlier data was 
             % found to cause problems
t = Robots{robot_num}.G(start, 1); % set start time

% set starting pose mean to pose groundtruth at start time
poseMean = [Robots{robot_num}.G(start,2);
poseCov = [0.01 0.01 0.01;
           0.01 0.01 0.01;
           0.01 0.01 0.01];
% tracks which measurement is next received
measurementIndex = 1;

% set up map between barcodes and landmark IDs
codeDict = containers.Map(Barcodes(:,2),Barcodes(:,1));

% advance measurement index until the next measurement time 
% is greater than the starting time
while (Robots{robot_num}.M(measurementIndex, 1) < t - .05)
        measurementIndex = measurementIndex + 1;

% loop through all odometry and measurement samples
% updating the robot's pose estimate with each step
% reference table 7.2 in Probabilistic Robotics
for i = start:size(Robots{robot_num}.G, 1)
    theta = poseMean(3, 1);
    % update time
    t = Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 1);
    % update movement vector per equation 1
    u_t = [Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 2); Robots{robot_num}.O(i, 3)];

    rot = deltaT * u_t(2);
    halfRot = rot / 2;
    trans = u_t(1) * deltaT;
    % calculate the movement Jacobian per equation 2
    G_t = [1 0 trans * -sin(theta + halfRot);
           0 1 trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 0 1];
    % calculate motion covariance in control space per equation 3
    M_t = [(alphas(1) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(2) * abs(u_t(2)))^2 0;
           0 (alphas(3) * abs(u_t(1)) + alphas(4) * abs(u_t(2)))^2];
    % calculate Jacobian to transform motion covariance to state space
    % per equation 4
    V_t = [cos(theta + halfRot) -0.5 * sin(theta + halfRot);
           sin(theta + halfRot) 0.5 * cos(theta + halfRot);
           0 1];
    % calculate pose update
    poseUpdate = [trans * cos(theta + halfRot);
                  trans * sin(theta + halfRot);
    % calculate estimated pose mean per equation 1
    poseMeanBar = poseMean + poseUpdate;
    % calculate estimated pose covariance per equation 5
    poseCovBar = G_t * poseCov * G_t' + V_t * M_t * V_t';
    % get measurements for the current timestep, if any exist
    [z, measurementIndex] = getObservations(Robots, robot_num, t, measurementIndex, codeDict);
    % create two matrices for expected measurement and measurement
    % covariance
    S = zeros(size(z,2),3,3);
    zHat = zeros(3, size(z,2));
    % if any measurements are available
    if z(3,1) > 1
        for k = 1:size(z, 2) % loop over every measurement
            j = z(3,k);

            % get coordinates of the measured landmark
            m = Landmark_Groundtruth(j, 2:3);

            % compute the expected measurement per equations 6 and 7
            xDist = m(1) - poseMeanBar(1);
            yDist = m(2) - poseMeanBar(2);
            q = xDist^2 + yDist^2;
            % constrains expected bearing to between 0 and 2*pi
            pred_bear = conBear(atan2(yDist, xDist) - poseMeanBar(3));
            zHat(:,k) = [sqrt(q);

            % calculate Jacobian of the measurement model per equation 8
            H = [(-1 * (xDist / sqrt(q))) (-1 * (yDist / sqrt(q))) 0;
                 (yDist / q) (-1 * (xDist / q)) -1;
                 0 0 0];
            % compute S per equation 9
            S(k,:,:) = H * poseCovBar * H' + Q_t;

            % compute Kalman gain per equation 10
            K = poseCov * H' * inv(squeeze(S(k,:,:)));
            % update pose mean and covariance estimates
            % per equations 11 and 12
            poseMeanBar = poseMeanBar + K * (z(:,k) - zHat(:,k));
            poseCovBar = (eye(3) - (K * H)) * poseCovBar;
    % update pose mean and covariance
    % constrains heading to between 0 and 2*pi
    poseMean = poseMeanBar;
    poseMean(3) = conBear(poseMean(3));
    poseCov = poseCovBar;
    % add pose mean to estimated position vector
    Robots{robot_num}.Est(i,:) = [t poseMean(1) poseMean(2) poseMean(3)];
    % calculate error between mean pose and groundtruth
    % for testing only
    groundtruth = [Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 2); 
                   Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 3); 
                   Robots{robot_num}.G(i, 4)];
    error = groundtruth - poseMean;

% display results!
animateMRCLAMdataSet(Robots, Landmark_Groundtruth, timesteps, deltaT);

Note: My tuning of the noise parameters in the code below is workable. But I didn’t spend as much time on them as I did for subsequent iterations of this tutorial. If you’d like to play with them I’m sure you can improve on my tunings!

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Intro to the EKF Step 0: The Data

This post is part of a series on SLAM with the extended Kalman filter. For other posts in the series see below.

Intro To The UTIAS Dataset

Writing programs for actual robots is difficult. Robots are expensive, testing code takes a lot of time, and the results are often difficult to interpret. This is why we don’t do most of our software development on actual robots. Instead it is much easier to run the actual robot once and log all of the robot’s sensor data, command inputs, and other relevant data. This way we can test our software on the logged data in a few seconds rather than doing a new test run every time we make a change to our code.

Setup used to make the UTIAS dataset

However, it’s difficult to make our own datasets for localization and mapping. In order to evaluate the accuracy of our SLAM software we need to know the actual (or groundtruth) pose of the robot with high accuracy at all times. This requires the use of motion capture setups which are well beyond the reach of most hobbyists. The good news is that university research groups routinely make their data sets available to the public. One such data set that is useful for our purposes is the UTIAS Multi-Robot Localization and Mapping (MRCLAM) dataset from the Autonomous Space Robotics Lab at the University of Toronto. I’ll refer to it as the UTIAS dataset for short.

The UTIAS data includes everything we’ll need to test our localization and mapping software: logs of the robot’s sensor data, accurate groundtruth poses for the robots throughout the run, and groundtruth positions for each landmark. I’ll go through each of those in detail below. You should take this opportunity download and extract “Dataset 1” from the download section of the MRCLAM webpage. You should also read the “Data Collection Details” of that page.

The Robots

The UTIAS dataset actually includes data from five different robots, all of which were run at the same time. This is because the dataset was originally intended for use in cooperative localization and mapping. However, this adds an unnecessary complication for our purposes. We will only be using the data from robot 1 in this tutorial.

The Measurements

The robot’s measurements are split up into two files: one for landmark measurements (Robot1_Measurements.dat) and one for odometry data (Robot1_Odometry.dat).

Illustration of a landmark measurement.

Each line of the Measurements file represents a measurement of a single landmark. We define a “measurement” with three quantities: range, the distance between the robot and the landmark in meters; bearing, the angle in radians between the landmark and the robot’s heading; and landmark ID, the unique identifier of the landmark being measured. Each line of the measurements file records the time the measurement occurred, the barcode for the landmark that was measured, the range, and the bearing. Note that the landmark barcode in the measurements file is not equivalent to the landmark ID in the landmark groundtruth file. The barcodes.dat file defines the mapping between the landmark barcodes and ID numbers.

The odometry file is pretty simple by comparison. Each line specifies the time, the robot’s linear velocity (in m/s), and its angular velocity (in rad/s).

The Groundtruth

Robot1_Groundtruth.dat specifies the robot’s actual pose in the global reference frame at any given time throughout the run. This is the part of the dataset that required the use of a motion capture system. Most of us could not recreate this on our own, so it’s nice that the University of Toronto made their data publicly available. Each line of the groundtruth file specifies the time, the robot’s x position in meters, the robot’s y position in meters, and the robot’s heading in radians.

The Landmarks

Landmark_Groundtruth.dat specifies the actual position of all of the landmarks in the environment. Each line specifies the landmark ID number, the x position, the y position, the standard deviation of the x position, and the std dev of the y position.

The Utilities

There are also a few useful MATLAB scripts available on the MRCLAM webpage.

loadMRCLAMdataSet.m will load the information in the .dat files into MATLAB variables. sampleMRCLAMdataSet.m will resample the data at 50Hz. This means that all of the measurements, odometry, and groundtruth information will come in at a predictable time interval. That will make things much easier. Lastly, animateMRCLAMdataSet.m will animate the motion of the robots throughout the run.

The problem with these scripts is they assume we want to work with all 5 robots. There are adapted versions of the scripts in my GitHub repo that only work with robot 1. Additionally, I adapted animateMRCLAMdataSet.m to animate both the groundtruth pose of robot 1 and the pose estimated by the EKF localization program. This will allow us to see just how well our program’s pose estimate tracks the robot’s true pose.

Weighted Linear Regression for Wall Following

I’m currently working on a wall-following program for Colin, my mobile robot. True to form, I’ve added an extra complication to the problem: Colin won’t respond directly to his sensor inputs. Instead, he’ll use his sensor inputs to create a simple model of his environment. Then he’ll decide how to move based on this model.

In order to follow a wall, Colin only needs to know the position of the wall relative to himself. To do this Colin will calculate the (x, y) coordinates of each obstacle detected by his rangefinders. Then he’ll fit a line to those points and assume that line represents the wall he’s supposed to be following.

I’ll discuss the actual wall following algorithm in detail in my next post. I’m laying out my method for fitting lines to Colin’s sensor readings in a separate post so I don’t get bogged down in the underlying maths when I’m presenting the wall-following algorithm. If you’re not interested in the maths feel free to skip this post; you can use my line fitting classes without understanding their inner workings. If you want to see what’s going on under the hood, read on.

Interpreting Range Readings

The first thing Colin does is take the range readings from his sonar sensors and convert them into (x, y) points in his local coordinate system. To do this Colin combines his the range readings from his sensors with the orientations of those sensors relative to his heading, which are constant. This turns his range readings into points in a polar coordinate system defined by (r, θ). Then converting these polar points to Cartesian coordinates is pretty easy. Colin calculates the x and y coordinates of each point as follows:



In the above two equations, r_{i} is the range reading from sensor i and \theta_{i} is the angle of sensor i relative to Colin’s heading.

My Point data structure does this conversion automatically. Its constructor takes the polar coordinates of the point as arguments and automatically calculates the Cartesian coordinates. It also stores r, as this is used to assign weight to the point later in the program.

Line Fitting

After converting his sensor readings to an array of Cartesian points, Colin fits a line to them. One of the simplest ways to do this is with least-squares linear regression, which works as follows. Assume the following equation describes all of the points:


Where y_{i} and x_{i} are coordinates of point i, a and b are the slope and intercept of the fitted line, and \epsilon_{i} is the error between the line and point i. Least squares regression determines coefficients a and b such that the sum of squares of the errors, \sum_{i=0}^{n}\epsilon_{i}^{2} is minimized.

In terms of linear algebra, the line equation is represented byAx=B where A is an n by 2 matrix containing the x values of Colin’s points:

A=\begin{bmatrix} 1 & x_{0} \\ 1 & x_{1} \\ 1 & x_{2} \\ ... & ... \\ 1 & x_{n} \\ \end{bmatrix}

B is an n by 1 vector containing the y values of Colin’s points:

B=\begin{bmatrix} y_{0} \\ y_{1} \\ y_{2} \\ ... \\ y_{n} \\ \end{bmatrix}

and x is a 2 by 1 vector containing the y intercept and slope of the fitted line.

x=\begin{bmatrix} a \\ b \\ \end{bmatrix}

Unfortunately, there is usually no x vector that satisfies Ax=B for every entry in the A and B matrices because all of the points will not lie on the same line. What we want, then, is a vector \hat{x} that minimizes the sum of squares of the errors for each entry. The equation for \hat{x} is as follows:


This equation can be solved pretty simply by multiplying both sides by the inverse of A^{T}A:


The above equation calculates the slope and y intercept of the line that best fits all of Colin’s sensor readings. That brings us a step closer to our goal!

Also, the math presented above is only a very high-level overview. If you’d like to go more in-depth I’d recommend this very thorough textbook chapter from MIT.

Weighting the Points

You may have noticed a problem with the idea of using simple linear regression to model walls. Most of Colin’s sensors will either detect no obstacle or they will detect a far-away obstacle that is not part of the wall Colin is following. This means that most of the points are not relevant. At most three or four of these points will actually represent a wall.

Very distant points are likely to represent failed readings or obstacles that aren’t relevant to Colin’s decision making. So I decided that points that are more distant from Colin should be less significant and closer points should be more significant. Using this criteria, Colin uses a simple weighting function to assign significance to his points:


where w_{i} is the weight assigned to point i, d_{i} is the distance between Colin and point i, and c is a constant. The weighting function’s graph looks like this:

weight-functionThe function assigns a weight of 1 for a distance of 0. Varying the value of c adjusts the distance at which the weight decays to 0.

Weighted Linear Regression

Colin uses the above weighting function to create a weights matrix, W:

W=\begin{bmatrix} w_{0} & 0 & ... & 0 \\ 0 & w_{1} & ... & 0 \\ ... & ... & ... & ... \\ 0 & 0 & ... & w_{n} \\ \end{bmatrix}

As you can see, W is a diagonal matrix of the weights assigned to each point. It fits into the linear regression equation as follows:


Similar to the unweighted regression, this is solved for \hat{x} by multiplying both sides by the inverse of A^{T}WA:


Using the above function Colin calculates the equation of a line fitted to the obstacles that are closest to him and therefore most likely to be relevant to his decision making.

My class, LineFitter, stores an array of Points and automatically fits a line to those points using the above method for weighted linear regression. This makes it very easy to use in my wall following program, which I will present in my next post.

Alternate Methods

A more sophisticated method would incorporate RANSAC to determine which points actually represent the wall and then fit a line to those points, ignoring the others. It would be very interesting to try to implement this method and compare its performance to my simple weighted linear regression. However, I don’t believe Colin would benefit much from using the more sophisticated method in his current configuration.

This is because Colin is working with a very small data set of only 8 points. This means the both my method and RANSAC could easily find spurious relationships in the data. Further, RANSAC is probably overkill; a brute-force search for relationships between Colin’s points would probably be more efficient on such a small data set. Since both are workable and weighted regression is much easier to implement, that’s where I’m starting. This is a good excuse to do further research on RANSAC, though, and I may do a post on that topic in the future.