building my robot army one sketch at a time
- Professional / Educational
- Complete the grad certificate in computer science at Seattle University-complete on 6/2016!
- Complete a PhD in robotics
- Get a job in robotics research
- Program Colin for SLaM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping)
- Sport
- Climb Wherever I May Roam at Smith Rock State Park, OR
- Complete a V5 bouldering problem
- Lead climb a 5.11
- Run a marathon in less than four hours
- Do the Seattle To Portland ride in one day – Complete on 7/11/2015!
- Learn to surf on a 6-foot board
- Personal development
- Go back to Japan and practice Japanese
- Finish reading Norwegian Wood, by Haruki Murakami in Japanese
- Finish reading The Art Of Computer Programming by Donald Knuth
- Read Feynman’s Lectures on Physics
- Become proficient at figure drawing